On January 1, 2020, Steven and I took down our Christmas tree. The ornaments have all been packed away and placed in the attic quietly waiting for the year to pass again. The green needles from the evergreen have been swept up and the furniture has been put back into place. Taking down the tree has always been a bittersweet time for me, but I find symbolism in it. The Christmas tree was brought into the house in anticipation of Christmas Day. The house was filled with extra chairs, additional food, family, and we all had a joyous time together. After Christmas everyone left, and it was time to prepare for the New Year.

Taking down the tree on January 1st is like making space for the New Year to come in. Taking out the tree stand, putting all of the decorations away, taking out the extensions on the dinner table, packing up the Christmas dishes and linens — it all creates room for the New Year. The decorations I put out each December bring back memories that I cherish but putting them away again allows new experiences to be welcomed into our home.

As I look at my 2020 calendar I see that I have a lot in store for the year. I am excited, expectant, anxious and, if I’m honest, in some moments I am terrified (breathe, Lona, just breathe!). It is all going to be good! I have a feeling you might feel the same way as you consider your 2020 calendar.

May you have a wonderful, joyous, happy, and productive year with many a new story to tell and share.

And remember: breathe, just breathe.

Welcome to 2020!
